What Does Beauty Mean to You?

[Estimated reading time: 1 minutes, 12 seconds.]

These weeks seem to be flying by. Damn. While I know I have accomplished a lot, I always feel as though I have so much to get done.

I’m always working on celebrating the successes instead of focusing on what is left on my ToDo list.

What about you?

This week, I resumed doing focus groups for Go Long and am looking to do a bunch more. If you’re interested and want to learn about the incentives I’m offering to hosts and participants, please get in touch by replying to this email or scheduling a call.

Talking about beauty with “Beauty Hunter”

I had the opportunity to be on another podcast recently with Tatyana Sussex. The episode dropped this morning. She is a friend and former running buddy (my running days are pretty much behind me with the bionic hip) so we spent many miles chatting about all things over the years.

Tatyana has a Substack called “Beauty Hunter”, which is focused on finding the beauty in everyday life. On it, we talked about what beauty means to me and how it relates to helping clients of Go Long.

What does finding the beauty in everyday life mean to you? It’s different for everyone. Struggling to figure out what beauty means to you?

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Many thanks to Tatyana for having me on her show and for sharing the message of Go Long.

The episode is 28 minutes long, so please give it a listen the next time you’re looking for another podcast to listen to.


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