You've taken care of everyone else. What about you?

[Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 00 seconds.]

Last chance to get 2023 pricing on Go Long packages! You’re going to want to schedule your complimentary call now!

As we’re wrapping up the holiday season, I want to give thanks to Go Long’s subscriber base - both existing and new. This is impossible without your support. For those of you who have invested with a paid subscription, an additional thank you for you. More to come on podcast guests and the opportunity to submit questions in advance of those discussions.

Go Long is a reader-supported publication. If you’re not a paid subscriber, I’d love feedback on how I can earn your investment.

Where’s your gift to yourself?

The holiday insanity is almost over. Now what? Think about this. You probably did most, if not all, of the below:

  • Got the decorations up? ✅

  • Sorted out everyone’s gifts before the big holiday? ✅

  • Wrapped those gifts? ✅

  • Cooked and cleaned your place after the metaphorical hurricane hit your home ? ✅

  • Dealt with whatever holiday drama surfaced? ✅

  • Managed all of the travel logistics for everyone, whether you drove, flew or took the train? ✅

You likely received some lovely gifts from the people in your life. But what about the gift that is truly about you?


I’m talking about something that allows you to invest in yourself and your health.

In 366 days, what’s going to be different for you?

Yep, 2024 is a leap year so we get an extra day to do what we want.

You’ve likely spent the holiday season indulging like most others. Perhaps you want to make some changes to get back on track or pave a new path for yourself?

When you’re reading this blog a year from now, what do you want to be different in your life?

  • Physical health?

  • Mental health?

  • Financial health?

  • New experience(s)?

You’ve sacrificed for everyone else, whether it is family, friends, work or other commitments. Now it is time for you.

Let’s take a look at what you may want to envision for yourself.

It could be skiing pain-free for a week.

It could be about gardening in your yard every weekend.

It could be taking a big family trip that will require a lot of walking.

It could be having the strength to walk and bathe your dog without throwing out your back and/or knees.


Let’s move away from solutions that no longer serve YOU

You’re not alone.

Clients reach out frustrated as solutions that worked in the past are not working anymore. Menopause belly? Dad bod? Yep, we see you.

Go Long has solutions for you. That align with your life and your goals.

We have already helped clients through empathizing with their struggles. Then we have worked through pragmatic approaches that fit into their lives. We’ve done it and continue to do it.

Those clients have been able to envision an optimistic future for themselves from a health and a longevity perspective.

How? Unsure where to start? Here’s where Go Long can help:

  • 1-hour goal setting session

  • Ongoing accountability coaching: You have your workout plan, but need help on other aspects of your life related to nutrition and/or stress

  • Finding a workout program that works for your life and where you’re at


Final offer for 2023!

Prices are going up in 2024. If you reach out before the clock strikes midnight ringing in 2024, I’ll honor the current prices in place.

Stop thinking about it. Just do it.

Here’s to 2024 and hoping it is everything you want it to be.


What happens when life gets in the way of your goals?


PODCAST: How oral health is an indicator of your overall health