Client Testimonial: When a Mid-Life Dad Wants to Keep Up With His Kids On The Slopes....

[Estimated reading time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds.]

[Estimated listening time: 1 minute, 30 seconds for each video.]

Introducing Scott. He is in his mid-40s and works as a CFO in tech. Scott is a father of young kids and came to Go Long because he was done with starting programs and then quitting them a month or two later. 

When we had our initial consultation, Scott talked about how he was lacking energy for his family and friends. His clothes didn’t fit him anymore so he had to buy some new ones. And then we got into “what’s your why?”

Scott talked about how he couldn’t keep up with kids on the ski slopes. He was tired of being tired around the people who mattered most to him. Scott wanted to be able to ski, hike and bike with his family and not be concerned about his body holding up.

He wasn’t looking for a six-pack. Scott just wanted to feel good in his body.

What is Working with Go Long Like?

The approach at Go Long is to understand what has gotten in the way of a client sticking with any kind of wellness program, whether that is fitness, nutrition or stress management. Then work backwards from those blockers to see if we can create other avenues for success.

Scott talked about his day-to-day life, which includes weekdays of going from meeting to meeting. It also includes traveling on a regular basis. Then it’s go, go, go on the evening and weekends with his kids and their activities. 

He had a significant amount of negative self-talk going on with his inability to remain disciplined given how disciplined he is in other aspects of his life. This is a pretty comment mindset when clients first engage with Go Long. 

Scott ended up hiring Go Long in two capacities: Health Concierge and Accountability Coaching. The concierge offering helps clients find a fitness coach that would align with their life and their schedule. The accountability coaching helps clients build the habits they can use for the long-term. This includes a monthly check-in and texts to help keep clients on track.

One of the concerns Scott had was around going back to a traditional gym. He explained that he felt self-conscious about it because as a guy, he always felt like he was supposed to know his way around the gym. Scott didn’t go to a gym growing up and he never learned what he should be doing. Even when he had hired a personal trainer at a local gym, he never felt comfortable asking questions of them for fear of being judged. He also was concerned about getting hurt.

After filling out Go Long’s intake questionnaire, which covers understanding how your life works in reality and what constraints you have, Scott decided that he wanted to hire an online coach. Go Long prepared an analysis of 3 choices that met Scott’s requirements. The options had some variation in terms of exercise programming, price point and average time required for the workouts. Once Scott selected the option he wanted, Go Long made the introduction to his new coach and off he went!

In parallel, we started the accountability coaching process. In our sessions, we talk about:

  • What’s working?

  • What isn’t working?

  • What does he want to focus on in the next month?

Those discussions come with recaps sent by Go Long and set the stage for the regular texts that clients opt into. Many of our communications cover tactics to allow Scott to remain on track with his health and wellness goals when “life gets in the way”.

How is Scott Doing?

Scott has been a client of Go Long for almost 9 months. He has dropped multiple pants sizes while still logging miles traveling and keeping up with his kids. Scott made a decision that either he was going to go down a path where he would be even more out of shape and obese than he was, or he could make an intentional effort to change his habits. 

“Jill has completely changed my life. I’ve lost 15 lbs while also putting on muscle. Now I feel good in my body and I didn’t do that before. That’s something that has been the biggest change and shift for me. I wanted my children to see that shift because I wanted them to see that you can change your life and be the master of your own destiny.”

Since working with Go Long, Scott has put different structures in place to hold himself accountable outside of our sessions. Regardless of whether he is at the office or on the road, meetings have lots of unhealthy food available to him. Scott has a better sense of how food impacts his energy so he uses that as motivation. The negative self-talk has also dissipated. The focus is on making progress. Perfection is an elusive concept. 

“I feel more energized.I feel like I'm ready to be where I want to be.I started this because my kids are important to me. I wanted to show them what a healthy lifestyle means and how you live that healthy lifestyle. I want to be a grandfather and still hiking, still biking, still participating in activities with my family.”

Does This Sound Similar To You?

Go Long gets it. You are busy. You have work. You have your family. Perhaps you have a friend or two that needs your help. You’re concerned about taking care of your parents. And then there’s your own health. 

If you want to learn how I can help you on your own burnout or general wellness journey, let's do a free intro call to connect.

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