Practical Self-Care Strategies to Combat Burnout and Boost Energy for Women Over 40

Perfection Isn’t the Goal, Doing Your Best Is!

Go Long is continuing with engaging with some experts in diet and nutrition to share their expertise on various topics, particularly for women over 40. For this week, Jenn Edmonds of Jenn Edmonds Coaching, is sharing some tried and true tactics that we can all use when time is at a premium (ok, that’s all of the time!). Whether you’re in the Uber driver phase of parenthood and/or you’re dealing with constant meetings on the go, Jenn’s tips can help you ensure you can live your best life and give yourself the space to not be perfect, but to do your best so you can avoid burnout.

You can contact Jenn via Instagram (@jennedmonds_coaching) and her website (

Jenn Edmonds of Jenn Edmonds Coaching

Why Slowing Down to Plan Leads to Better Long-Term Results

Maintaining healthy habits can be a challenge for busy women juggling multiple responsibilities at work, home, and in their personal lives. However, with some strategic planning and hot tips, it's possible to keep working towards your health and wellness goals while managing a hectic schedule (hello family uber driver!). Here are a few ideas to help you stay on track with your healthy habits to help you avoid burnout:


There are so many fitness apps or YouTube videos that have 10 - 20 minute workouts. On days you are slammed, a few minutes of movement can be a game changer. The best part? Even a quick workout is helping you build consistency towards making exercise a regular part of your day. And, consistency is the name of the game if you are working to build a new habit.  

Not every workout needs to feel like you are preparing for the Olympics.


Don’t ever underestimate the power of walking.  It helps burn calories, lower cortisone levels, and if you can walk outside, can build your vitamin D levels.  If you have 20 minutes between carpools, walk a few laps around the neighborhood or ball field. Park your car further back in the parking lot and give yourself the opportunity to add to your daily step count. Small walks throughout the day can really add up and make a big difference. Another idea is to “habit stack” and do something you enjoy while walking. Ideas include listening to a podcast or audiobook, walking with a friend or listening to an inspiring playlist. Or, one of my favorites is to call a friend or family member who lives in another city or catch up….make it a walk and talk!

High Protein Snacks

When you are busy all day it is easy to under-eat, which leads to bad choices later in the day.  And, if you are working to optimize your protein, it's important to be eating 20-30 grams of protein at each meal. The best way to make this happen is to be prepared and always pack your high protein snacks. Buy individual packs of nuts, and have jerky or chomp sticks in your car or at your desk at work. Keep individual packs of high protein chips, protein bars or hard boiled eggs  in the house and on the ready.  

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is often overlooked but essential for maintaining energy levels and overall health. Keep a water bottle with you at all times and set reminders on your phone to drink water regularly. Herbal teas and infused waters are also great ways to increase your fluid intake if you find plain water boring. And, add electrolytes! Adding some electrolytes to your water can be a big boost to energy and help minimize hunger.

Often when we feel hungry, we are dehydrated. 

Be Kind to Yourself

Finally, be kind to yourself. Perfection isn’t the goal; consistency is. If you miss a workout or have an unhealthy meal, don’t dwell on it. Acknowledge it, learn from it, and move on. Celebrate your progress and recognize the effort you’re putting into maintaining a healthy lifestyle despite a busy schedule. Something is always better than nothing. The key is to just stay in the game!

Some Thoughts from Go Long

I love the phrase ‘The key is just to stay in the game!’


What I have found in my journey in the women over 40 club is that the goal posts have moved constantly depending on what is going on my life. Am I traveling a lot for work? Am I under a tight deadline that is going to get in the way of my typical workout programming? Is it a time where I have a bunch of commitments in the evenings making it hard for me to stick my eating routine?

Life is going to get in the way, so finding partners who understand that is key. As Jenn says, it can’t be all or nothing. When you have to be perfect, you’re going to be on the express lane to burnout.

Thank you to Jenn for providing the Go Long community with some practical advice on how we can make small changes to improve our energy levels and our overall health.

You can contact Jenn via Instagram (@jennedmonds_coaching) and her website (

Let's Go Long Together!


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