Let's Give It Up For The Moms!

Estimated read time: 3 minutes

I'm not a mother. I don't play one on TV. But I have lots of moms in my life, including my own mother, which I am thankful for. I marvel at their ability to manage tasks and adapt on the fly to get stuff shit done on a daily basis.

My Background

I grew up in a household that had my Dad as the main bread winner. Remote work wasn't a thing back then.

My Mom worked part-time and performed more of the traditional mother responsibilities, which included cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. This also included taking us to sports practices, rehearsals, medical appointments, etc.

As a kid, you don’t realize how challenging it is managing all that.

Mom and Fitness

Mom didn’t exercise when I was growing up. It wasn't something she showed an interest in she likely had time to do.

[Side bar: My mother's insistence on writing personal thank you notes as soon as I could write is something that continues to serve me well. Also, like her, I now travel with my own tea bags. Judge.]

You can imagine my surprise about 5 years ago when my mother asked me for help in finding a workout regimen for her. Through a family member, I learned about a program that could be a good fit for her.

Like all of us, she is unique in her own way so knowing her personality and finding the right program was going to be “interesting”. Some, but not all, things I had to consider:

  • Type of workout

  • Location

  • Community aspect

  • Experience coaching this demographic

  • Budget

  • Safety (not in pure sense, but is it a place where she can ask questions and get constructive feedback)

What Happened?

Funny you ask that. Given that mom had never shown an inclination towards working out, some of us in the family were skeptical.

[Sorry, Mom - just keeping it real, as always! We love you!]

She came back from her 1st session and liked it! Yes, the skeptics were stunned and chagrined.

[Side note for the above GIF: If you know, you know.]

Mom had to make some modifications during COVID, but she found a way to keep participating. She trusts her coach and the format of the sessions work for her.

Why Does This Matter To You?

It’s easy to see now that my mother had a lot of responsibilities while we were growing up. This meant taking care of herself took a back burner to everything else.

It’s not that different now. Tech has made certain tasks easier, but also created new opportunities for mothers to be busy in other ways.

It’s hard to do everything, let alone do it all well. Moms feel the constant guilt and pressure that they need to take care of everyone and do “all the things”.

But What If……

What if you could find a program that worked around YOUR SCHEDULE and worked towards YOUR GOALS? What if you could find a way to focus on YOUR HEALTH so you could do something meaningful FOR YOU?

I’m not offering something like a quick fix or making a random promise that you can lose X in Y days. Nope.

What I’m offering is to listen to YOU and to connect you to a coach that will also listen to YOU. Then that coach will craft something that aligns to YOUR LIFE, not theirs.

PS — Here’s hoping that if you’re a mom that you’re appreciated every day. Not only on Mother’s Day.


How about being proactive and devoting time to yourself for a change?


What's YOUR Why?