How you can run your own "marathon"....

[Estimated reading time: 1 minute]

As you’ll hear in the video, this post is going to drop while I am in transit to Europe for a trip we were supposed to take in 2020. I have content planned for while we are gone, but I may push those entries out based on what I see on the road.

My “marathons” are now being able to take active trips and seeing remote places without worrying about my body being able to handle it. The resistance training I do in the gym plus the cardio work on the Peloton help prepare me to kayak, hike, bike and walk for miles. So LFG!

Health and menopause

Saw this on Wednesday from Mika of MSNBC’s Morning Joe. She talks about having health symptoms that ended up being related to menopause.

Hitting menopause at 56 was a huge wakeup call for me. I realized I needed to drastically change my lifestyle.

I’m still trying to figure it all out. But one thing that’s drastically changed is my workout routine. It’s been a core part of my life for 40 years. I’d run up to 10 miles daily. No longer. I realized the very routine that used to keep me in shape was now breaking me down. Running on harsh blacktop for 10 miles used to make me feel fit and trim. Now it makes me feel gutted. Lifting weights and going for short runs is what makes me feel strong now. I’m also doing more balancing exercises and moves to strengthen my core. I enjoy running the most, but I’ve come to realize that my body needs change. [emphasis mine]

Many times these symptoms show up in peri-menopause, which can start in your late 30s for some. For many women, it’s a struggle to figure out why their body is changing and why approaches that used to work are no longer effective.

And many times, they are told by society at large AND the medical community that it is “all in their head”. Future post coming on that. But. Just. Think. About. That.

If that person is you, get in touch.

I can help you find the right professional(s) to work with to address areas around sleep, mental health, nutrition and fitness.

Whatever you need for you.

Have a great weekend!


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