How do you keep your sanity when hosting Thanksgiving (or any other holiday)?

[Estimated reading time: under 1 minute]

OK, we have another edition of “Grab and Go” by Go Long.

The holidays can bring a lot of joy and…. a lot of stress. Keeping yourself sane regardless of hosting or not can be a challenge.

Need help keeping yourself on track during the holidays? Go Long has some options to help you and get you going on the right foot in ‘2024. Get in early!

Go Long and Full Bloom Coaching will be releasing an episode later this week on boundaries to help keep your emotions in check. Questions from paid subscribers will be incorporated into the chat.

For today, I am going to focus on if you are hosting people for the holidays. Three things to consider:

  1. Look at your menu and assess what you can prep/cook in advance of Thanksgiving day (or day you are hosting everyone). This includes thawing your turkey (thawing times depend on the weight of the turkey - you might need more than a day!).

  2. Write out the actual schedule of when things need to go in the oven, stove, grill, smoker, etc. Create a “work back” schedule of sorts. You can then have a better sense of having everything converging together to serve.

  3. Take some time for yourself first thing on the big day. Could be reading a chapter of a book, some mindfulness work (i.e., meditation) or exercising. You do you.

What strategies do you use when hosting for the holidays?

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How to Establish Boundaries That You Need


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