2024 Olympic Triumphs Show That True Beauty Lies in Strength, Not in Numbers

As you think about your own journey, consider the stories of the incredible athletes we’ve seen. Their dedication, strength, and resilience are awe-inspiring. But beyond the medals and records, these athletes are redefining what it means to be strong, confident, and truly beautiful.

Society still pressures us to conform to unrealistic standards of beauty, especially for women over 40 balancing careers, health, and life’s responsibilities. But life isn’t about how skinny you are; it’s about how you move, how you feel, and where you draw your confidence from.

The athletes who competed at the Paris Olympics are the best in the world at what they do. They are strong, powerful, and at the peak of their performance, yet they don’t all fit into society’s narrow definition of beauty. And guess what? That doesn’t make them any less worthy or incredible.


Strength in Every Step

Standing at 5’10” and weighing 180 pounds, this person challenges conventional views of athleticism. Competing in women’s rugby at the 2024 Paris Olympics, she demonstrated that her size is an asset, not a limitation.

Her physique might place her in the “obese” category on the BMI scale, but that doesn’t capture her true power. Her quads and lower body are built for strength and endurance, enabling her to break through tackles and excel in her sport. The BMI scale doesn’t account for the explosive strength she brings to every game. She’s focused on being the best at what she does.

Meet Ilona Maher, bronze medalist in women’s rugby at the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Small but Mighty

Standing at just 5’1” and weighing 119 pounds, this person might seem easy to underestimate, but that would be a mistake. Known for her incredible agility and strength on the soccer field, she has proven time and again that size doesn’t dictate power.

Her lower body strength allows her to outmaneuver opponents and maintain relentless stamina. If you looked at her BMI, you might not see an elite athlete. But the BMI scale fails to account for her explosive power and speed. Her movement defines her as an athlete—not a number on a scale.

Meet Crystal Dunn, silver medalist in women’s soccer at the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Defying Labels with Power

Standing at 5’5” and weighing 158 pounds, this person doesn’t fit society’s narrow standards of “ideal,” but she’s a powerhouse. At the 2024 Paris Olympics, she made history by winning the gold medal in the women’s 76 kg weightlifting category, proving that true strength goes beyond appearances.

Despite a BMI that labels her as “overweight,” her body is a testament to power and resilience. Her quads and glutes are well-trained machines, enabling her to lift weights that most of us can only imagine. The BMI scale doesn’t account for her incredible muscle mass or raw strength. Her story shows us that what our bodies can do is far more important than how they look.

Meet Olivia Reeves, winner of the silver medal at the Paris 2024 Olympics in the women's 76kg weightlifting category.

What’s Your Olympics?

Confidence doesn’t come from fitting into a particular size; it comes from knowing your worth and embracing your strengths. When I think of these women, I see people who are unapologetically themselves. They’re not striving to meet unrealistic standards—they’re setting their own, shaped by years of hard work and a deep understanding of their bodies. Their confidence isn’t about how they look, but about what they can do.

Now, think about this: I’ve talked in the past about “what’s your marathon?” So to make this more contemporaneous, what’s your Olympics? You might not be training for LA 2028, but that doesn’t make your movement goals any less important. Whether it’s managing rheumatoid arthritis to dominate on the pickleball court or building the stamina to travel the world without missing a beat, your goals matter.

Dream big. Just because you’re not on the world stage doesn’t mean your movement isn’t significant. Your body is capable of amazing things, and every step you take is worth celebrating. These are your victories, your gold, silver, and bronze medals.

You Are More Than a Number on a Scale

Let’s ditch the outdated idea that thinness equals beauty. Instead, let’s celebrate movement, strength, and the confidence that comes from knowing what your body can do. Life isn’t about fitting into a specific size—it’s about embracing your body’s potential, how it makes you feel, and where your confidence comes from.

As we age, our stories don’t stop—they evolve. Every year is a new chapter, and it’s up to us to fill it with powerful, purposeful movement. Getting older isn’t about slowing down; it’s about moving better, feeling stronger, and living with more freedom than ever before. Your 40s, 50s, and beyond are the perfect time to redefine what’s possible for yourself.

At Go Long, we believe your story is still being written, and it’s a story worth investing in. Every step you take, every goal you crush, proves that your best days aren’t behind you—they’re here, waiting to be seized.

Your story is powerful and evolving. You have the power to shape it, to move with purpose, and to live with unstoppable confidence.

So go ahead, write the next chapter with intention. 

Go out and win your gold.


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