How to Get Started with Strength Training

Monday August 12th at 5pm PT/8pm ET


Have you been advised to start strength training but overwhelmed on where to start?

You’re not alone. There’s a lot of information out there on social media. Much of it is conflicting and confusing.

Maybe you tried strength training once before and got hurt? Perhaps you didn’t understand the why behind the exercises being shown to you by a personal trainer? It’s very possible the situation in the gym was so unwelcoming, you decided it wasn’t for you.

Maybe you were part of the generation were you were told to lift lighter weights but so loads of repetitions?

Join Bianca Carbone, Founder of Blix-Fit, and I for a chat on strength training and how to approach working with a fitness coach so you can get the results you’re looking for. She is going to talk about how to stay safe while learning how to strength train.

Bianca is a certified personal trainer, nutrition coach, and women's holistic health hormone practitioner. She hold a bachelor's degree in health policy with a focus on biochemistry and health policy & administration. Bianca is also certified by The MindBodyFood Institute, NASM, and ISSA.

Her story is compelling because while she was in college, she gained 20 pounds and experienced severe acne. This led Bianca down a path of understanding what a balanced training and diet regimen looked like. BUT there was more…

Her journey continued with challenges such as more acne, irregular cycles, ovarian cysts, ruptured cysts, and migraines. After a blood test and ultrasound, Bianca was diagnosed with PCOS.

Bianca is passionate about empowering ambitious women to achieve the lives they want to achieve in spite of whatever medical challenges they are facing.

This event will have ample time for live Q&A.

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