1:1 Coaching

Your well-being is a conversation away

We work together to craft a personalized, achievable plan that focuses on you. There's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to managing stress, averting burnout or healing from auto-immune conditions like I have. Every person’s circumstances, triggers, and recovery processes are different.

That's why I offer a comprehensive, one-on-one approach to coaching, ensuring you receive the support and tools uniquely tailored to your situation.

My promise to you is simple: dedication, understanding, and a steadfast commitment to your success. Rediscover joy in your career and balance in your life.

Begin your journey to wellness today.

My approach isn’t just rooted in theory — it’s relatable. I’ve been in your shoes, so I can offer solutions that are effective and resonate with you on a personal level. I've thrived despite three auto-immune diseases, and I can show you how.

Embrace Your Journey

  • Acknowledge Your Struggles: Together, we’ll recognize the pressures you’re facing daily. You’ll fill out an intake questionnaire, covering what has worked and what hasn’t worked.

  • Self-Compassion: I’ll help you be kind to yourself; setbacks are normal.

  • Visualize Your ‘Why’: We’ll talk about your goals and imagine what a healthier and more balanced life looks like for you. You’ll walk out of your initial session with 1-2 actions you can take that day!

Create Your Action Plan

  • Set Realistic Goals: We’ll break big dreams into manageable steps.

  • Prioritize Self-Care: I’ll guide you in setting aside time for activities that recharge you.

  • Seek Support: I’ll be here to support you, and show you strategies on how to get the support you need from others.

Celebrate Your Progress

  • Track Your Achievements: We’ll use a journal to log your progress. Each 1:1 will include a recap and actions that you can implement that day.

  • Adapt and Adjust: We’ll be flexible and tweak your plan as needed.

  • Stay Positive: I’ll help you focus on positive changes, no matter how small.

With Go Long, you will be the hero(ine) of your story. Together, we will visualize your goals and craft a realistic action plan tailored to your busy life. Imagine a life where your goals are clear, your energy is renewed, and you feel stronger than ever.

Benefits you’ll get from working with Go Long

  • Sustained energy to tackle everything on your plate

  • Break habits that are no longer serving you

  • Increased energy to invest in relationships

  • Practical self-management tools

  • Improved health through intention

  • Boosted happiness and confidence in overcoming challenges


  • Go Long focuses on empathy for your struggle, pragmatic and easy to implement solutions as well as optimism for your future. Empower yourself with a program that resonates with your individual needs, aspirations, and career dynamics. My approach isn't just rooted in theory — it’s relatable. I've been in your shoes, so I can offer solutions that are effective and resonate with you on a personal level.

  • Go Long helps you manage day-to-day stressors and change habits through empathetic support and practical strategies, focusing on achieving personal health and lifestyle goals. I guide you in making positive lifestyle changes without diagnosing or treating mental health conditions. In contrast, a psychologist addresses deeper mental health issues through evidence-based therapies and a structured, clinical approach. While both are rooted in empathy, Go Long provides pragmatic solutions that work for your life today.

  • All packages have a 3-month minimum commitment. Most clients benefit from a 6-month or a 12-month commitment. Long lasting behavior change takes time. Everyone is different and that’s one reason why I offer a complimentary Getting Started Session before we begin. We will have the opportunity to connect and get a sense of the work ahead of us during this initial free session.

  • Kick-off call where we go through your personal intake questionnaire.

    Bi-weekly 30 minute check-ins or 1-hour monthly check-ins with Jill to discuss where you need more support and to ensure we celebrate your wins.

    If you sign up for 6+ months of 1:1 coaching, you will receive access to virtual events recorded live. They will include discussions with experts in different areas related to the sandwich generation (i.e., physical therapists, dentists, skin care, couples counseling) where you can ask questions about areas you have questions about.

  • Go Long wants to understand your learning style so a plan can be crafted that is realistic for you to implement. The questionnaire asks about what worked for you in the past, as well as what did not. We’ll get into your near-term and long-term goals while digging into understanding ‘what’s your why?’ for embarking on this journey. We do not cover height and weight because losing weight isn’t enough of a motivator to sustain healthy habits.

  • A dedicated 60-minute session to discuss where you are at so we can create a pragmatic plan that will align with your life. In this meeting, we will:

    • Review your intake questionnaire

    • Assess where you can achieve quick wins to build confidence in your ability to achieve your long term goals

    • Set the schedule for your accountability check-ins

    At the end of this call, you're going to have optimism for what the future holds for you and your health.

  • In coaching sessions, we’ll discuss what’s working, what isn’t working and what you’d like to focus on in the near-term. I’ll ask you probing questions and offer suggestions on how you might tackle your current obstacles. I’ll remind you of your long term goals and your “why” for pushing through the hard changes.

    You will also receive a recap after each session with at least one action you can take immediately.

  • I have a trusted network of fitness coaches and registered dietitians that I refer people to when they need help in those areas. Those costs are additional to Go Long’s services. What makes Go Long different is that I connect all of the dots from different aspects of your life so you can incorporate it all in a sustainable way for the long-term.

  • Yes. I have started doing group coaching for enterprises, which you can learn more about here.

    For group coaching for individuals, I will be starting a cohort in the fall. If you would like to get on the wait list, please click here!

  • Absolutely. I offer all my clients and potential clients a complimentary Getting Started Session, which you book here, so we both have a chance to connect and see if working together is a good fit.

  • Unfortunately, Go Long does not take insurance at this time.

  • “Jill has completely changed my life. Now I feel good in my body and I didn’t do that before. That’s something that has been the biggest change and shift for me. I wanted my kids to see that shift because I wanted them to see that you can change your life and be the master of your own destiny.”

    S.T., Truckee, CA

  • "Jill helped me identify why I tend to prioritize others over myself. With her help, I now understand triggers that caused me to sabotage myself on reaching my goals. I’m dealing with multiple major life changes and with Jill’s help, I have more energy and focus to confidently deal with them."

    A.C., Seattle, WA

  • "I started playing ice hockey for the 1st time at the age of 40. I was feeling fatigued and having headaches after games on top of a very stressful job on top of personal commitments. After working with Jill, I have a manageable plan for game days and recovery. No more headaches!"

    M.M., Seattle, WA

  • "I was skeptical about daily accountability texts but Jill's are funny and personalized to my goals. I am choosing to leave something behind in order to move forward towards something better. That’s because I felt seen and understood by Jill. She has brought me along at a pace I am comfortable with."

    P.A., Montclair, NJ

  • I love gardening and 2 weekends in a row I tweaked my back, which landed me on the couch. I want to stay active for as long as possible so I called Jill. She was curious about my goals and was non-judgmental. Group classes aren't an option but I have a program that keeps me on track.

    L.R., Ellensburg, WA